
  • Economics, Management & Social Sciences

    RMd • Economics, Management & Social Sciences is an academic journal with scientific arbitration, whose aim is to publish articles of theoretical foundation, reflection or empirical research, aiming to disseminate scientific knowledge through unpublished works in the various areas of economic sciences and in matters directly related to social and economic development.
    Periodicity: biannual (with a continuous flow - papers are published as soon as they are approved).

  • CDIG, Cultura Digital

    CDIG, Cultura Digital, is a academic journal with scientific arbitration, which aims to publish articles of theoretical foundation, reflection or empirical research, in order to disseminate scientific knowledge through unpublished works in various areas of digital culture: audiovisual, new forms of advertising, gaming, anime, film, etc..

  • International Journal of Digitalization and Applied Management

    The International Journal of Digitalization and Applied Management "IJDAM" is an open-access, blind peer-reviewed international journal published in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.